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" I do believe in Faeries I do I do” ... Peter Pan


I am a believer because of a faery encounter I had just over ten years ago. I was talking to my husband in our kitchen when I saw a twinkling out of the corner of my eye and then two tiny translucent winged beings appeared. I was amazed that they looked similar in shape and size to those in most children’s books. They were not as I had imagined. They hovered for what must have been only a minute but to me it seemed like an eon.

I held my gaze for as long as I could before curiosity got the better of me. I reached out to touch them but they ‘popped’ away.

I was in awe. I still am.

I am continually grateful for the joy and blessings the faeries have given me.

Lyndall Alida - Faeries

Do You Believe or Wish to?

If you haven’t been a faery believer but would like to be, all you have to do is set the intention, be open and be aware. Then trust the messages and signs the faeries send you.

The faeries say they mean no harm, do not be afraid. Much has been blamed on them by humans and this saddens them.

The faeries can read the light of our heart and know when we are a ‘true believer’.

An excerpt from one of my poems (gifted to me by the faeries):

"We know when one believes For we can read your heart's light To us it shines crystalline Under a brand new moon at night"

About Faeries

"Faeries are described as small mythological creatures, most often depicted as tiny female humans with insect wings. These creatures are said to frolic and live in forests, helping plant life grow and playing pranks on unsuspecting humans"... Urban Dictionary

In my faery encounter there was a female who I sensed was more outgoing and the second one, a male, was shy or maybe a little cautious. We can all have different experiences and with different types of faeries.

Faeries can turn up anywhere. I have sensed them in our home, in our garden, close to the ocean and of course, the forest. They do like to be around those who care for and are concerned for the environment.

Whilst traditional faery folklore is based mainly around that in Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and Europe, the realm of the Fae is everywhere.

They love plants and flowers, trees, natural water places, circles in nature, mushrooms, toadstools, insects, animals, stones and much more. The faeries love crystals and are often drawn to those who work with them.

They also love singing, dancing, skipping and sleeping. They do rest for they tell me they like to rise with the early chorus and chirping of birds and sleep when the stars begin to twinkle.

Lyndall Alida - Fearies

Why Believe in Faeries

By believing in their realm the faeries say they wish to…

  • encourage us to laugh, sing, dance and play more

  • help us see and acknowledge the magic within and around us

  • expand our imagination

  • teach us to be more aware of nature and

  • inspire us to believe in ourselves as they believe in us.

“To believe in Faeries is to step into an enchanted space where the rational mind meets the irrational heart, and all things become possible.” ... Brian Froud

You May Ask Why Faery and Not Fairy?

Fairy (from Middle English) is the more modern version of spelling and is that used in Disney films. Faery and faerie (from Old French and Irish) keep the connection to the ancient word Fae.

Some would argue that the word ‘faery’ in the singular is fantasy. However it is the spelling my faeries gave me and it resonates for me.

It is my opinion that it is a personal choice and we should use whichever word (fairy, fairie, faerie or faery) feels right in our heart.

Faeries Are For All

I had often wondered and then enquired why these little beings had waited so long to make themselves known to me – in my ‘more mature years’.

“It was exactly the right time” was their firm reply.

The faeries say they would like me to convey to others that you are never too old to believe in them…that they can come through to people of any age, not just children.

Let us Journey Together

I wish to share my experiences with faeries.

I invite you to journey with me, accompanied by all in the enchanted realm of the Fae.

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