We have all experienced an emotional roller coaster in the last two years. The world we knew before Covid19 has changed. The uncertainty and separation, in varying stages, left many of us feeling fearful, nervous, stressed or irritable. We lost our freedom to travel and move around, to hold and hug our loved ones, to attend weddings and funerals, to catch up with family and friends and people lost their jobs and financial stability.
Creating and maintaining a spiritual practice to nurture and care for our inner world can help us cope better with what is happening in our outer world. I know how frightening anxiety can be. My husband and I lost our middle son Timothy to leukaemia just three weeks before his seventh birthday. Two years later, we had a scare concerning the health of our youngest son when he was just 8 months old. The fear of another child possibly being diagnosed with an illness (he is fine) led to my first panic attack and continuing years of anxiety.
Gradually I learned to cope and reduce my anxiety by adopting certain spiritual practices. The main one, meditation, works wonders in calming me, and my racing thoughts. I have listed the techniques* that have benefited me, and I know have helped others and may help you or someone you know.
Taking time to meditate is not always easy in a busy or noisy household but it is necessary for our own wellbeing. Even 10 minutes of stillness to bring us back into the now, this very moment, can re-set our energy in a positive way. When we come back to the present moment, we connect to our inner sacredness and to our highest truth. This gives us the encouragement we need to move forward.
“To meditate does not mean to fight a problem. To meditate means to observe. Your smile proves it. It proves that you are being gentle with yourself, that the sun of awareness is shining in you, that you have control of your situation. You are yourself, and you have acquired some peace.” ... Thich Nhat Hahn
Breath is life. When we are worried or stressed we tend to shallow breathe. Consciously stopping and taking the time to be aware of our breath can help us relax. When I feel rushed I follow this practice….
I sit comfortably, breathe deeply in and out, then on the next in-breath visualise love, calm, peace and harmony entering my body and on the out-breath, letting go of all stress, tension, worry and fear. I do this as often as is necessary.
Our Guides and Angels wish to remind us that they are here for us, are around us and that we can always request their help. They taught me to go to a place of peace when feeling worried or fearful.
They said any of us can drop into peace within a few minutes, by stopping what we are doing and….
Breathing in and out deeply, placing both hands over our heart chakra – in the middle of our chest - and affirming…
“I am calm, I am peaceful, I flow with life and all is well in my world.”
Breathe in deeply again and let out a big sigh. Repeat.
Then smile.
Many of us are ‘sensitive’ and can feel scattered and un-grounded from picking up on someone else’s energy. One way I like to ground myself is to ‘be like a tree’. I spread my arms out like branches and visualise roots growing out of my feet and extending down deep into the earth.
I also like to affirm daily….”I am safe, grounded and protected at all times”.
Carrying a black tourmaline or black obsidian crystal in our pocket or bag is also wonderful for grounding and protection.
Many of us have heard the phrase “I go to the forest to be healed”.
Being in nature is a wonderful way to connect to Mother Earth and her healing blessings. It can be in our garden, in a forest or walking along a beach and feeling the sand under our feet.
When immersing ourselves in the natural world our senses become heightened and we can receive signs and inspiration as well as the feeling of serenity and connection to all that is.
When we are creating, our minds are in the moment and this can help release our ‘pressure valve’. By focusing on what we are creating our mind is less concerned with our worries. As with journaling, we may get answers or solutions to our problems whilst creating.
So whether it is writing, drawing, painting, cooking, sewing, crafting or gardening, let us allow our imagination and creative spirit to expand.
Journaling is healing and can help us write our anxiety away. By penning our concerns and worries, we can self-reflect. Answers may come as to the cause of our fear/s that led to us feeling anxious. Journaling can help single out the source of our stress and assist us in releasing it.
Staying hydrated – If we are dehydrated, our mind and body do not seem to function as well and this is heightened when we are faced with anxiety.
Exercise - studies have shown that regular exercise, especially walking, can help decrease stress and anxiety.
Yoga – is great for mind, body and spirit.
Getting enough sleep – lack of sleep can intensify anxious thoughts.
Music – soft and relaxing tunes for calmness of mood and mind.
A massage - is a wonderful treat for body and soul.
A warm bath or shower is another way to induce relaxation and is wonderful as a healing ritual at any time of the day. We can visualise all stress and worry being washed away and down the drain.
Self time – relaxing with a cup of tea and a good book, without the feeling of guilt (of what else we should be doing).
Let us also remember to laugh, play and smile often.
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*Disclaimer: The above practices are not medical advice. Should you require further help with anxiety please see your medical practitioner.